About Us

Who Are We?

We are HydroStream owners and enthusiasts who want to preserve and protect the legacy that was created in the past while providing an official source of information, replacement parts, and accessories to help keep these boats on the water for generations to come.

Why Are We Doing This?

We are endeavoring to be the guardians of the HydroStream brand. To us these are special boats that deserve preservation and restoration. They all have a story to tell, and we want to help ensure that future generations get to hear those stories and experience the thrills that inspired them.

Who We Aren't

We're not affiliated with the Pipkorn family, nor with the post-HydroStream Canadian or US manufacturers of these boats. We're not attempting in any way to co-opt the work of the men and women that built what HydroStream was, rather we're working hard to bring the brand into the 21st century by serving today's HydroStream community.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line in the form below or call us at 1-855-GOFAST1 (1-855-463-2781)

